*IMPORTANT Details about our services*

Everything you need to know about our Photography and videography services.
We are open to travel anywhere, our traveling fee is based up on the miles we have to drive to your event.
HC Photography resides in Nacogdoches TX. We provide our services all around East Texas and surrounding areas.
Cities we cover: Nacogdoches, TX. • Center, TX. • San Augustine, TX. • Lufkin, TX. • Tyler, TX. • Longview, TX. • Henderson, TX. • Jacksonville, TX. • Marshall, TX. • Kilgore, TX. • Huntsvilles, TX.  • Athens, TX. • Conroe, TX. • Lumberton, TX. Palestine, TX. • Dallas, TX. • Houston, TX. and more
Traveling fee starts at 95¢ per mile. If you book us two hours away from our residency(Nacogdoches TX.) we will have to charge a hotel room fee which starts at $120.
*Example. If you book us in the Dallas area we will charge a traveling fee plus the hotel fee.
Nacogdoches, TX. • Center, TX. • San Augustine, TX. • Rusk TX, • Diboll TX,
PAYMENTS & deposits
When we give you the final quote for our packages and add ons, you will need to make a deposit of 50% upfront of the final price to book your date. (Extra items are not included in this quote, you will need to pay extra items separately). The rest of the payment can/has to be made ONE WEEK before the event or you can make a final payment whenever you desire, but it has to be one week before the event.
cancellation and refunds policy
WE DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS FOR DEPOSITS, If for some reason you have to cancel your event, we do not offer refunds for your deposits, that is stated in the contract once you sign it. The only way we will issue a refund ONLY for 50% of your deposit(half of the money) is if you have are having a critical situation or we as the company do not do our part of our services, situation will be discussed.
delivery of work
It usually takes 1 Month and 1/2 for us to finish your work. All packages have to be picked up at our location or we can ship it out to you but you would have to pay us a shipping fee if you can not pick it up personally.
add ons and extras
If you are renting and item from us for example a picture frame stand or a mannequin for a dress, you will be in charge of those items and make sure they don't get damage on your event. If items get lost or broken depending on the situation or damage, you will have to pay fee of $______ to cover the damages.
Extra items are for example a picture frame, invitations or centerpieces, these will be charged separately, to add these items you will need to visit our SHOP page to add extra items to your event.
Note: add ons and extras have to be added minimum 3 months prior your event.
Copyright protection
All your photos and videos will be used ONLY by our company: HC Photography - Galleria Graphics to advertise our services, this will be stated in our contract. We will not share your photos or videos with anyone else for commercial use. Once you sign our contract you give us permission to use your content ,if you are not comfortable with us using your work for our advertisement we can discuss about it.


To book us give us a call to check if your date is available.

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